# Welcome to Markhor Spire!
Markhor Spire is a tabletop roleplaying system that evolved from a collection of homebrew rules from Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Beginning in 2018, this personal project has grown into an independent game that focuses on three pillars of game design: Narration, Combat, and Systems. Markhor Spire is designed to be modular, allowing for easy customization and tailoring to a preferred gameplay experience.
This wiki is designed firstly as a primary design document; I upload select pages to the internet, and attempt to keep most underdeveloped pages to myself as I continue to work on them. Secondly, this wiki is designed to be a repository of knowledge for my tabletop group, so that my players can keep track of the game's rules and development. Lastly, this wiki is designed to introduce curious souls to my tabletop system, and hopefully convince you this project is worth checking out. For explorers of this wiki, I recommend checking out the [[Character Creation]] page first, and moving on from there as you see fit. If certain terminology being used is unclear, you may want to check out the [[Main Glossary]].
# Narration
Markhor Spire is, first and foremost, a method of storytelling among friends. Narration is where we find the most fun, and the game should always keep that as the top level focus. Game mechanics that facilitate good roleplaying are important, and while complex rules are something I personally enjoy, it is my belief that the party should always have the ability to cut through a cumbersome ruleset to focus solely on the fun of telling a compelling story.
## Player Characters
- [[Character Creation]]
- [[Heritage]]
- [[Class]]
- [[Abilities and Skills]]
- [[Aspects and Proficiencies]]
- [[Facets]]
- [[Items and Inventory|Items]]
## Travel and Exploration
- [[Food and Drink]]
- [[Hitpoints and Willpower]]
- [[Hunting and Foraging]]
## Continents
Further locations are found within their respective continent page.
- [[Elphyne]]
- [[Jitun]]
- [[Dyiigurra]]
- [[Kenor]]
- [[Copernica]]
- [[Echtra]]
## World Structure Supplements
- [[Coligny Calendar]]
- [[Aldbine Economy]]
- [[Traditional Rank of Nobility]]
## Meta Structure
- [[Chapters]]
- [[Scenes]]
- [[Aftercare]]
# Combat
Tabletop role playing games were born from strategical tactical combat games. The combat in Markhor Spire is designed to push back against players to force uncomfortable or difficult decisions, allowing them to undertake risks or make sacrifices. Combat is designed to be both deep and complex, but also designed to move along fairly quickly and prevent itself from getting in the way of Narration. Combat should allow for climactic showdowns, but avoid turning every conflict into a slog. Combat scenes are known as "encounters".
## Primary Combat Directory
- [[Combat Rulesets]]
- [[Damage]]
- [[Items and Inventory|Equipment]]
- [[Weapons]]
- [[Siege Weapons]]
## Statlines
- [[Entities|Entity Type]]
- [[Size and Weight]]
- [[Hitpoints and Willpower]]
- [[Actions|Action Points]]
- [[Defense Rates and Armor|Defense Rates]]
- [[Vulnerabilities and Resistances]]
# Systems
Systems are specifically designed to be deep and crunchy game content for players to find unique and emergent gameplay solutions. They are specifically designed to allow players to have access to unpredictable and deeply interwoven rules, materials, and formulas that provide interesting problem solving moments, without allowing for overpowered, single solution answers. This area of the game, by its nature, will require the most work and the most evolving changes.
Multiple conflicting and incompatible descriptions of Science and Magic exist within the different systems. This is intentional; each system is written to be understood from the viewpoint of the cultures that developed them to describe the world and their observations. No system is considered to trump another, and when they conflict on a certain interaction, the ruling is within the [[Main Glossary|Narrator's]] decision.
Systems manifest as either [[Aspects and Proficiencies|Proficiencies]] or [[Aspects and Proficiencies|Aspects]].
## Proficiency Systems
- [[Scientific Methods]]
- [[Workforce Trades]]
## Aspect Systems
- [[Arcane Traditions]]
- [[Combat Styles]]
- [[Meditation Practices]]
- [[Musical Trends]]
# Directories
- [[Heritage|Heritages]]
- [[Class|Classes]]
- [[Weapons|Weapon Classes]]
- [[Siege Weapons]]
- [[Facets]]
# Glossaries
- [[Main Glossary]]
- [[Item Property Glossary]]
- [[Abilities and Skills]]
- [[Aspects and Proficiencies]]
- [[Items and Inventory]]
- [[Damage]]
- [[Entities]]
- [[Actions]]
- [[Defense Rates and Armor]]
- [[Hitpoints and Willpower]]
- [[Combat Rulesets]]